Menu Mailers Provide Endless Opportunities for Increased Traffic Flow for Restaurant Owners, Food

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Are you getting a high return on your advertising investment for your restaurant? Is there another way to not only achieve more traffic but also preserve your customer-base with residual benefits? Keep reading to find out how menu mailers may help.

Give Them What They Want

Using analytics to track your customers’ habits can help increase traffic while also providing opportunities for satisfying experiences, services, and products that they want, but in today’s instant-gratification and millennial society, it takes ingenuity and more than that. Menu mailers are the most effective and economical way to show customers what you have to offer.

According to a 2018 study, which included 240,000 participants, menu mailers are more likely to bring customers through your door than any other form of advertisement. While the study was performed in the UK, when it comes to commonality, consumer dining habits are in accord with those in the United States. The results of the study also concluded that email alone was ineffective because it is often viewed as spam. Combining email with direct mail garners better results for your business, and it’s what consumers really want.

Residual Benefits for Your Business

Patrons appreciate menu mailers because they are typically sent to an entire household rather than directing one person. The mailers are shareable, which not only benefits the recipients but also your business. Rather than throwing them out, those who share the menu mailers are more likely to provide positive feedback about your restaurant or make recommendations based on their previous experiences.

Other benefits of menu mailers include:

  • Increased Revenue
  • Customer Retention
  • Improved Communications

People typically make decisions about which restaurant or retail business to go to while at home with one another. And menu mailers provide an ideal way to have those discussions and plan a strategy for how to use them, such as a date-night or celebration.

Getting a good return on your investment no longer means primarily using mainstream media for advertising. Those days are slowly declining. Menu mailers are making a comeback!

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