Inexpensive Birthday Party Ideas, Food

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Kids’ birthday parties can be super expensive if you hold them at a dedicated party venue and super crazy if you hold them at your house. Many parents are looking for a way to give their child a fun memorable birthday without breaking the bank or their furniture.


Most kids love to feel grown-up and holding a birthday breakfast or lunch at a restaurant is a great way to do this. Send out invitations inviting friends to attend a celebratory meal. To keep costs down, tell parents it’s a drop-off party with pick-up in two hours. The entertainment is ordering and eating the food. Choose a place that won’t mind a noisy group and has food that everyone likes such as a burger joint or pizza house Bridgeport CT. Often restaurant staff will allow you to bring in your own cake or cupcakes, and they will even join in singing to the birthday child.


If you live in a temperate climate, you can’t go wrong with a birthday in the park. The playground or ball fields are built-in entertainment. Another option is to host a squirt gun party. Bring some extras for kids who don’t have their own and a few old towels. You can certainly cook hotdogs or hamburgers but preparing a variety of sandwiches at home is an easier set-up and clean-up.

Church Rec Room

For a nominal feel, many churches will rent out their family life center or a rec room. Hire a couple of teenagers to run a dodgeball tournament or other games for the group and sit back and watch the merriment. Order pizza or offer sporty snacks like Gatorade and pretzels.

Not every child’s party must be held at an expensive venue with expensive food and extra entertainment. Save that extravagance for Sweet 16. Kids just want to have fun and be the center of attention. They can do that just as well without you going broke.

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