Top 4 Tasty Coffee Recipes Ideas You Can Make at Home

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A Cup of Coffee is tasty and instant energy booster in the morning to the millions of Coffee lovers around the world. Coffee with no doubt is the morning delight, especially when enjoyed straight-up or coupled with milk and some sugar into a smooth concoction. If you are striving for tasty Coffee, or if your Coffee Tastes Bad, don’t worry, we have some delightful coffee recipe ideas for you to try at home. Here are the top 4 Delicious Coffee Recipe Ideas for You.

Espresso Instant Coffee

The Instant Espresso made with coffee powder, sugar, and milk can melt your mouth when served with drinking chocolate at the top. Take the coffee powder of your choice, sugar to taste, milk, and water. Put the coffee powder, sugar, and few drops of water into the Coffee mug. Stir well until you get a syrupy shiny paste. Boil and add milk and water in the ratio accordingly if you need milky coffee, skip the water, and enjoy your tasty coffee of Instant Espresso sprinkling supernatural powder drinking chocolate on the top. 

Chilled Nutella Coffee

Smooth chocolaty Nutella is already a favorite of many of us. And if you are a die heart fan of Nutella, then here is a pleasant and desired cup of coffee. 


Take a cup of Chilled Milk (Low-Fat in case you are on a diet),2 Tblsp of Nutella, 1 tbsp of Instant Coffee Powder, Vanilla Essences (For flavor), and sugar to taste. Blend all these ingredients in a blender until you get a smooth and frothy mixture, serve it with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream for smack booster.

Vanilla Mocha Iced Coffee

This Easy to Prepare, refreshing, and creamy cup of coffee will make you fall in love with it.  Ingredients you need will be 1 cup of milk, hot water, Instate Coffee, 1 tbsp vanilla extract, 1 tbsp of chocolate syrup, sugar to taste ( 5 tbsp is preferred if you are using 1 cup of milk) and Ice cubes. Stir your instant coffee with sugar and water until coffee dissolves. Add vanilla extract and chocolate syrup, stir the milk and serve it with ice cubes, and enjoy the smooth, energizing, and tasty Vanilla Mocha Iced Coffee. 

Spiced Latte

Instant Coffee Latte with Cinnamon, Chipotle, or cayenne can give you an unexpected tasty treat. If your coffee tastes bad, Spicy your traditional dairy milk coffee, with 1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon, a pinch of ancho, cayenne, a cup of fat-free milk to get this tasty treat of spicy Latte.


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