Top 3 Delicious Tips for Making the Perfect Philly Cheesesteak

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You probably didn’t know that Philadelphia is home to the USA’s first World Heritage Site, but you certainly do know that it’s the home of the Philly cheesesteak.

For visitors to the city, eating a Philly cheesesteak is often the first thing on their list of priorities. Yet, you don’t need to visit the City of Brotherly Love to enjoy this popular delicacy. 

You can make your own with these awesome Philly cheesesteak tips. 

1. Be as Authentic As Possible

If you’re eating a Philly cheesesteak away from the source, the best you can do is try to imitate the original as closely as possible.

In Philadelphia, Amoroso rolls are a vital component of every Philly cheesesteak. Amoroso is a brand of bread roll that’s not often available outside Philly.

It’s a thin-crusted bread with a fluffy center, so hunt for something similar at your local bakery or supermarket. 

The next vital ingredient is premium rib-eye steak, sliced thinly and fried. In Philadelphia, Cheese whiz is the most common type of cheese used to create these masterpieces, but you can also use American cheese or provolone cheese.

Lastly, you need fried sliced onions to top it off. 

Click for more ways to get your hands on an authentic Philly Cheesesteak.

2. Add Flavor to Your Philly Cheesesteak

If you want to maximize the flavor when you bit into your bespoke Philly cheesesteak, there are a few ways you can do this without straying too far from the norm.

Firstly, choose a cheese you like. Some people dislike American cheese and Cheese Whiz due to their overly-processed origins, while other feel Provolone is too bland.

When you’re designing your brand of this dish, you’ll enjoy it best with your favorite cheese. 

Butter your bread roll and place the cheese on before the steak. This creates a barrier that keeps the juices from the steak where they belong – with the meat.

When you prepare your steak, slice it as thinly as you can. You can ask your butcher to do this, or try this hack:

  • Freeze the steak until it’s solid
  • Slice it with a super-sharp knife into very thin slivers

Be sure to cut your steak against the grain of the meat. This creates an extra tender texture. 

You must season your steak with salt and pepper before and during cooking. Fry your onions until they caramelize to give your cheesesteak a pleasant, sweet taste. 

3. Tips for Making a Philly Cheesesteak Even Better

Extra toppings can make a big difference to your cheesesteak. You can try green pepper, chili, or anything that captures your imagination when you’re making a Philly cheesesteak.

Be sure to fry all the ingredients together before you load your roll. This helps combine the flavors and makes your meal extra yummy.

Expand Your Culinary Horizons

Are you bored with eating the same old thing every day? It’s easy to add interest to every meal by trying foods and ingredients from different cities and countries. 

Whether you’re craving a Philly cheesesteak or something a little healthier, you’ll find all the best food-related tips and inspiration on our website. Keep browsing.

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