Organic Food 101

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Consumers are increasingly aware of what they eat with much focus surrounding things such as pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers and growth-promoting hormones, which are often found in foods. This has led to more people demanding organic.

What is Organic Food?

Organic foods are food products which are produced, processed and prepared free from any chemicals such as pesticides, fertilizers, preservatives and growth-promoting hormones.

It is growing in popularity, now more so than ever, with avid interest from the public to know more about the subject and how organic food can benefit our health.

Top health benefits of eating Organic Food

  • Improves overall health

Because Organic food production does not use any harmful chemicals such as fertilizers or pesticides, it doesn’t contain anything toxic which could be potentially harmful to human health. Organic uses natural techniques only, which is better for our overall health. Things such as green manure and crop rotation to control pests and disease which is kinder to human health and provides better nourishment for both humans and animals.

  • Antioxidants

Scientific studies have already proved the benefits and positive effects of antioxidants on human health, particularly those derived from consuming organic produce. A significant part is due to the fact that these types of food products are free from chemicals which often react with vitamins, organic compounds and minerals, thus reducing the benefits of antioxidants in food.

Studies show that consumption of Organic produce provides more antioxidants and nutritional benefits for the body, with lesser exposure to heavy metals.

  • Improved taste

Aside from significant health benefits, organic food generally tastes much better. This is because the crops are allowed to develop and mature for much longer. Naturally grown produce and friendly agricultural production has proven to provide better tasting produce with better quality and more environmentally friendly too.

  • Stronger immune systems

Since Organic food is natural and not altered in any way, risks inherent to a decline of immune system strength are vastly reduced. And more, Organic food’s higher content of natural vitamins and minerals furthermore enhances one’s immune system.

  • Free from harmful poisons

Organic produce and production are free from harmful poisons and chemicals, often used to keep pests and diseases at bay. All agricultural practices involving artificial growth hormones, pesticides and fertilizers, are prohibited in Organic farming.

  • Fresh food and reassurance

Consumers who eat organic produce have the reassurance that what they consume is totally safe and healthy. Organic farming has highly strict standards when it comes to processing, production and preparation so at no point would the consumer ever have to worry about consuming something potentially dangerous to their health. Organic food is regarded to be much fresher and tastier since preservatives (used to provide longer shelf life) are not used, and much of the organic vegetables and fruits you purchase is often locally sourced.

  • Reduced levels of toxic metals

Much of our food comes directly from the soil alongside physical environmental interactions. Since organically grown produce does not use chemical substances to enhance crop production, it results in much lower consumption of toxic metals too. Studies have shown that levels of toxic metals are around 48% lower in comparison to conventional crop methods.

  • Environmental aspects

Organic food and its production are regarded as safer for the environment. Organic Food is often grown with minimal interference to natural environmental resources. Alongside aspects like the forbidden use of chemicals, that results in less water, air and soil pollution, is the use of cleaner, efficient and more environmentally friendly processes.

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