Five Almond Milk Recipes That are a Sure Delight

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What was once a presumable exotic alternative to regular milk, almond milk, over the years, has become a staple in multiple dairy sections and household fridges in India. This is easily available online and offline and is no longer something you need to hunt for. While traditionally, almond milk was used to make iced lattes, smoothies, or mixed with cereal, it can actually be used in multiple recipes today. 

We are already quite well versed with the health benefits of almond milk. Apart from being a rich source of protein, fiber, and vitamin E, it also contains many useful minerals that the body requires. Almond milk is a blessing for lactose-intolerant people, who for the longest time resorted to milk-less beverages. According to a few studies, almond milk is believed to lower LDL cholesterol and prevent heart diseases. It is ideal for people trying to maintain a healthy weight due to its low-calorie content and zero saturated fats. A few recipes that would taste super delicious with almond milk are: 

Banana- almond milk ice cream, 

This uses almond milk, crystallized ginger, honey, and frozen ripe bananas which also add to the creaminess of the ice cream. The reason this is a ‘nice cream’ is that there are no saturated fats or refined sugar. Blend all the ingredients in a food processor and top it with a warm chocolate sauce (which is also almond milk-based). 

Chocolate almond sauce 

This is made just like a classic chocolate ganache, which contains only cream and chocolate. But instead of cream, use almond milk and a drop of almond extract. Add bittersweet chocolate to heated almond milk (sweetened) with the almond extract and whisk until it is smooth. Now pour it over the banana nice cream and enjoy. 

Almond milk-based creamed spinach 

This is a healthier alternative to the original creamed spinach but you cannot really tell the difference. It is a perfect side to go with grilled chicken. Creamed spinach made with almond milk is so light and silky that you won’t realise the cream is missing. 

Cauliflower puree 

A great savoury side, cauliflower puree is luscious and as good as any mashed potato with the benefit of having fewer calories. Boil the cauliflower in almond milk until it becomes soft, and then drain it and puree it to get a silky and thick mash. If you blend the cauliflower along with the milk, it makes a great soup too. 

Bechamel sauce 

Bechamel sauce is the white sauce or alfredo sauce used in pasta or baked vegetables. In a pan, add almond butter. Then add some refined flour and make a roux. To this slowly add almond milk and keep stirring to ensure no lumps are formed. Once you get the desired thickness, add lots of cheese (if you are lactose intolerant, you will get some dairy-free options in the market). Add salt and pepper to taste. Your béchamel sauce is ready. You can mix in some boiled pasta or boiled veggies, add grated cheese and bake the dish. 

Almond milk can be used as a substitute for cow’s milk in multiple dishes. These days, finding almond milk combos is no longer a goose chase. Online shopping platforms such as Wingreens World have everything from almond milk combos to cold-pressed juices and mustard oil. Online shopping from places such as Wingreens World, guarantees that the freshness and nutrients of the product will be intact. Vegan friendly unsweetened almond milk by Wingreens World is rich in plant nutrients and contains many nutrients such as calcium, vitamin E, iron and potassium. 

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