Where Can You Buy Coureur des Bois Whiskey ?

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Where Can You Buy Coureur des Bois Whiskey ?

If you are looking for the Coureur des Bois whiskey, you must have heard about or experienced the unique blend of maple syrup and whiskey. It is no longer debatable whether maple syrup and whiskey make great companions. The Coureur des Bois distillery offers customers an innovative drink that conquers their palate. This drink blends aged Canadian whiskey with 100% pure maple syrup, making it easy for non-whiskey lovers to have a drink or more without experiencing any discomfort. Irrespective of the type of glass, you are assured of a balance between the caramelized aromas and the slight malty taste embellished by delicious Maple syrup.
Coureur des Bois maple whisky, which is best served in a glass with fine and smooth ice cubes, has earned its producers six medals from international competitions. It has roots in the journey of the traders who explored New France’s forests in a bid to present only the best of the land. This inspired the distillery to leverage the production of whiskey as a means of celebrating Canada’s heritage alongside its authentic flavors. It is a treasure that allows you to relish the richness of flavors.

Top Places to Buy Coureur des Bois Whiskey

Coureur des Bois whiskey is available for purchase in both physical and online stores. Your preferred choice will depend on you as an individual.

Purchase from a local store

You check local liquor stores within your vicinity or specialty whiskey shops. One of the benefits of visiting a physical store is that you can choose from a variety and can get assistance from the staff members. Also, visiting a local store is an opportunity to attend tasting events or participate in special offers.

Purchase from online stores

You can use online platforms that have details on whether the product is available or not. This is more convenient considering that it saves you time and effort. You are also able to compare prices and read reviews from customers who have used the product already. It enables you to make an informed decision.

One such online store is the Les Tresors d’Erable store, a Quebec online grocery store that offers customers access to a variety of Canadian products, including the Coureur des Bois whiskey. Customers who use the store are guaranteed quick responses to their requests, secure payment options, and international shipping services if needed.

This means that wherever you are in the world, you can have a taste of Coureur des Bois whiskey upon order. Beyond completing a purchase, Les Tresors d’Erable store provides a breakdown of the product specifications, including its dimensions and the number in stock. It also provides consumer advice and suggests ways to preserve your whiskey. Typically, you are required to store it in a cool, dry place.


Irrespective of its excellence in taste and maple syrup sweetness, you must be of legal drinking age to buy and consume this drink. It is advisable that you consume Coureur des Bois whiskey in moderation as a responsible drinker. Also, remember to buy this drink from reliable sellers alone if you want to get the best quality.

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