Seven types of Pasta that you should try once!

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Pasta is the simplest dish that you can prepare at your home within minutes. There are countless recipes of Pasta that you can try and present to your loved ones. Whether it is stuffed shells or Spaghetti, you will love every bite of this if you prepare it in different ways. If you are a food lover who loves to prepare food during the weekends, you should try different pasta variations.

It is a traditional carbohydrate-rich food that is made with simple ingredients. It includes wheat, water & eggs and then cut or moulded into different shapes. A variety of Pasta is available in the market, made with protein-packed lentils, chickpeas, etc. Here you will learn about the different shapes of Italian Pasta that taste delicious. So, let’s start!

Different shapes & structures of Pasta you should try

  • Gnocchi

It is Italian pasta that is made with mashed potatoes, eggs & flour. If you want to try this at your home, you can find the recipe on Google or download the free recipe apps. Try this recipe with a savoury white or red sauce.

  • Linguine

These kinds of pasta are available in the market that has an elliptical shape. It is wider than Spaghetti. You can serve this with seafood & with any other combination.

  • Bucatini

If you want to experience a little saucy and juicy pasta, this could be the best choice. It is thicker than Spaghetti, and you can prepare this with winter pesto & sweet potato.

  • Cavatelli

Cavatelli is the best option for vegetarian people. These are made with an egg-less dough & rolled & cut into small shells. When you cooked this with broccoli, then you can enjoy its every bite with Italian sausage.

  • Tortellini

If you are bored by eating that traditionally shaped pasta types, it is the right time to choose something else. Try the Tortellini pasta that is stuffed with cheese or meat. You can serve this Pasta with different spicy soups. To prepare some other recipes with this, you can visit Google.

  • Macaroni

This is one of the popular Pasta that almost every people like. It is tubular-shaped pasta that has different lengths & sizes. It is available in versatile shapes and available for a wide variety of dishes. You can try various recipes with this. If you want to prepare this with cheese for the first time, then look for the ingredients by downloading a cooking application.

  • Spaghetti

Do you want to prepare Spaghetti with red onion & Bacon? If you want to prepare this restaurant-style, then download the applications to check the complete cooking process of Spaghetti.


If you are a pasta lover & loves to try the recipes for a Pasta variation, you should try these once. If you want to prepare restaurant-style types of Pastathen download cooking apps where professional chefs share their secret pasta recipes. Prepare delicious pasta recipes & serve them to your guests.

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