Paddlefish caviar truffle on the menu: here’s what you need to know

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That’s it, it’s the big day. You want to impress your guests by adding a paddlefish caviar couch, or fill them with fresh truffle … You must not miss! Here’s everything you need to know about these great products including recipe and accompaniment ideas, as well as conservation tips. But if you have no information about the caviar, you should read some info about  paddlefish caviar vs. sturgeon.

For a wedding, an anniversary, the holidays, to celebrate an important moment or simply to have fun … Today, more and more people are sulking at the chic restaurant like creating their own restaurant. We prefer to stay at home, create our own atmosphere. Create a beautiful table in its image, straight out of Pinterest, cook a memorable meal with carefully selected ingredients and a – or two – good bottles of wine that have been in the cellar for too long, just waiting to be uncorked.\Do you want to jump straight to the truffle? It’s here.

Caviar on the menu

No, I’m not talking about red caviar salmon or tobiko that you find in Japanese restaurants, but also in the displays of several supermarkets. I am talking about the American paddlefish caviar.
How to prepare caviar?

No preparation is necessary. It is eaten directly in its container in order to handle it as little as possible (which could pierce eggs). Once you remove the box from the refrigerator, place it directly on crushed ice, beautifully presented.
How to taste caviar?

To serve, forget the silverware; it oxidizes the eggs. A small spoon made of wood, porcelain, nylon or mother-of-pearl is preferred. Although it is eaten perfectly with a spoon, it is often accompanied by blinis (small pancakes) and cream, but most purists say that caviar should be tasted nature. The accompaniments simply serve to prolong the pleasure! You can also put a small shovel of caviar paddlefish in a potato salad or some asparagus with a poached egg. Above all, lemon is to be avoided.

What to drink with caviar?

Vodka directly out of the freezer! We advise you to take a small bottle between each tasting spoon. This removes all the aromas in the mouth, so that the next spoonful of caviar reveals all its flavors again. Ok. Maybe not a complete shooter – otherwise you will not finish the evening – but a little lichette would be enough. Not a vodka fan? Champagne is another option. That’s what I prefer!

How to preserve caviar?

Caviar should be refrigerated at all times. Once the box is open, you will unfortunately have to finish it, because it cannot be kept. What a pity !


Where to get quality caviar?

Although you can find some fine groceries, the best is to ask your fishmonger. Many already have some paddlefish caviar for sale products in stock, and if not, it will certainly be able to order for your occasion.
After the caviar entry … Truffle resistance? Here’s all you need to know about truffle: recipe ideas, how to prepare it, how to store it and even where to get it!


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