Coffee Storage Tips

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About ten days after roasting, your coffee beans will already lose half of the flavour. Ground coffee loses flavour faster when stored. Extreme temperatures, high humidity, direct light and exposure to air are factors that diminish flavours of stored coffee, both roasted and ground as well as your Nespresso compatible coffee pods and organic coffee capsules.

If you want to get full-flavoured and fresher cups of coffee, here are a few coffee storage tips to know:

Don’t Store Ground Coffee- whole beans retain flavour better than ground coffee. If possible, you should grind beans only when you want to brew them.

Store In Room Temperature- excessively cold or high temperatures could degrade coffee flavour. The best way to retain your coffee’s flavour is to keep your Nespresso compatible coffee pods and organic coffee capsules in a dark, dry and cool place in an airtight container. Putting your coffee in the freezer could cause freezer burn. Moisture in coffee will freeze and natural oils will crack. You need to keep natural oils of coffee intact, because they are where the flavour is. Even if you put the airtight container in regular fridge compartment, condensation could form inside the container, making beans or ground coffee stale faster. High temperature will cause degassing and your Nespresso compatible coffee pods and organic coffee capsules will lose their flavour quickly. When storing coffee, avoid direct sunlight, even if you use a non-transparent, opaque container. Make sure that your storage area isn’t next to a stove.

Avoid Bright Light- artificial light could slowly diminish the flavour of your coffee and direct sunlight may cause rapid deterioration. When your coffee loses too much flavour, it will be taste flat and stale. Keep freshly roasted coffee in an opaque container and place the container inside the cupboard of your kitchen. Make sure to store your Nespresso compatible coffee pods and organic coffee capsules in a place that is dry.

With proper storage, your beans, ground coffee, eco coffee pods and recycled coffee pods should retain most of their original flavour. To enhance flavour, you should always use quality, spring water and avoid using tap water or distilled water, because additives or lack of natural minerals could affect the flavour of your coffee.

Contact Novell

To learn more coffee storage tips that you can try at home, contact Novell and shop a wide selection of specialty coffees today!

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