Foxtail Millets: All you need to know

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Millets, grown since antiquity, have been an essential part of the human diet for over 8000 years. The modernization of cuisines has forced us to adapt to everything that is refined and characterized as delectable food. Okay, the good news is that it doesn’t sound depressing. Millets just made a comeback.

This nutrient-dense millet kind is one that we Indians are used to eating. It was referenced in the Sangam literature, a body of prehistoric Tamil writing from Tamil Nadu, and it has to do with worshipping Lord Muruga and his wife Valli. Foxtail millets are known by several names in our nation. Kangni, Korralu, Thinai, Thina, and Priyangu are its names in Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, and Sanskrit. In other nations, foxtail millets are just as prevalent.

The nutritional powerhouse that is foxtail millet is comparable to other millets. These tiny seeds, which are high in vitamin B12, can provide you with a satisfying daily serving of protein, healthy fat, carbohydrates, and excellent dietary fibre. It supplies abundant calcium and large amounts of lysine, thiamine, iron, and niacin.

Millet benefits: Trinadhanya or Kudhanya are the terms for millets in Ayurveda. Early Ayurvedic works such as Mahodadhi, published by Sushena in the 14th century, describe foxtail millets as sweet and astringent-tasting foods that increase vata dosha while balancing doshas associated with pitta, kapha, and blood tissues. Millets are rich in essential nutrients such as fibre, protein, vitamins, and minerals, making them a great addition to a healthy diet. They have a low glycemic index, which means they can help regulate blood sugar levels and are also gluten-free, making them a suitable option for people with gluten intolerance. In addition to their nutritional benefits, millets are also easy to digest, which makes them a great option for people with digestive issues. They are also considered to be more environmentally friendly than other grains, as they require less water and are less prone to pest and disease issues.

Foxtail millet health benefit :

Foxtail millet is a rich source of iron and calcium, two nutrients necessary for maintaining bones and muscles. An iron deficiency can result in several health problems, including anemia, frequent muscle spasms, and weakening muscles. Include foxtail millet in your diet regularly to provide your body with the calcium and phosphorus required to combat inflammation, brittle bones, and other chronic bone-related ailments, including osteoporosis, arthritis and spondylitis.

Foxtail millets promote digestion. A strong stomach is an indication of overall health. Digestive issues can develop chronically and result in severe constipation, diarrhea, or irritable bowel syndrome if not treated the first time properly. It is an excellent meal option for those who are gluten intolerant or suffer from celiac disease. Eat a lot of veggies with it to control bowel motions and reduce weight.

Nothing is more crucial these days and in times of epidemic than solid immunity. Foxtail millet boosts your energy, keeps you more robust, and improves immunity to fight off numerous infections that may be lurking because it is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Include it in your daily diet if you recently became ill with viral or bacterial infections to help you regain strength.

If you look forward to incorporating millet into your diet, you can start with a fun and healthy option such as SlurrpFarm’s millet dosa mix online. It has no added preservatives or additional flavours and is extremely simple to make. Check out their website for more details!

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