Trends Driving the Online Food Delivery Market

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Hi-speed internet and the increased use of smartphones are also some major factors behind the sudden popularity. The huge potential that this market carries has resulted in the birth of countless online food ordering and delivery websites, each flaunting its own Unique Selling Proposition (USP).

 The following are the key trends that rule the online food ordering system:

Millennials drive the demand

Millennials, as compared to any other generation, spend the highest amount of their earnings on prepared food. Hence, they are the most important demographic in the online food delivery business.

Innovative Delivery Channels

55% of US adults confirm preferring an easy online ordering system. The main reason behind food delivery platforms experimenting with new channels is to procure maximum orders from their customers. The channels include:

  • Ordering by Tweet
  • Order using virtual assistants
  • Order using smart TVs
  • Order using smartwatches
  • Order from car or train

 Modern delivery options

There are possibilities to optimize the delivery process in terms of speed, and cost-effectiveness is re-established by the efforts being made into developing innovative delivery channels  — Parachutes, Robots, and Drones.

 Upcoming Niches

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There are multiple platforms emerging to cater to the vendors coming from specific niche market segments. The best example of this includes MamaSezz, Food Nerd, and VegReady.

Using such an approach enables delivery startups to virtually eliminate and cover-up all barriers to stand apart from the competition. Some niche platforms gaining traction are: 

  • Food waste apps
  • Pet Food Apps
  • Apps for Virtual Kitchen
  • Crypto Food orders

Using cryptocurrencies to place orders helps to enhance the customer’s overall food ordering experience. Not being limited to a particular payment option is the need of the hour – so the option to complete transactions using different cryptocurrencies has turned to be an urgent need.

This is crunch-time for all industries and also the public who order food. Technology is improving at a considerably decent pace, and the competition is on to race to serve customers with the freshest, tastiest, and best-priced food in a quick time.

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