The Most Popular Types of Beer in 2022

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If you were to step into a bar in 2022, what types of beer would you see? If you’re unsure, look at the popularity of different types of beer today and make your best guesses based on what appears to be trending upward. People often tend to lean towards local brewed beer, for example people from Wales may be biased towards popular welsh beer such as Wrexham beer or Cwrw Llyn beer. Here are some of the most popular types of beer in 2022.

IPAs will still rule

If history is any indication, IPA’s will continue to reign supreme. Since 2012, West Coast-style IPAs have dominated sales on both a national and global scale. Their popularity seems to grow year over year as well, meaning we’ll be likely to see more IPAs in store shelves and bars for years to come. Why not try some popular Welsh beer, including  IPA’s from the Bluestone beer range, Wrexham Beer range, or the Snowdon Craft Lager range.

Specialty beers will gain prominence

The craft beer movement is continuing to grow, with new breweries opening each year and beers from smaller, more specialised breweries garnering international praise. In 2022, specialty beers will become more popular and best-selling than ever before. These tasty treats won’t be made by every brewery—and some will be hard to find—but if you ask for a specialty beer at your local pub, you’ll probably be able to get one.

New Gluten-Free Beers Will Emerge

While many people are celiac, a greater number are trying to avoid gluten—or at least want to shed a few pounds. In fact, there’s a burgeoning market for healthy beer that looks poised to help you lose weight and keep your waistline trim. This is especially true as new gluten-free beers take center stage. By 2022, these blends may be best selling beers in bars and grocery stores alike, Bluestone beer distillery offer great tasting gluten free options, as well as Cwrw Lyn beer.

Strange Flavors Will Become More Popular

Every so often, someone invents a new beer that takes beer drinkers by surprise. This happens less and less frequently—beer connoisseurs have already tried most of what’s available, after all—but every once in a while, someone comes up with a new flavor that captures their attention for at least a little while. As we move forward into 2022, expect to see more strange flavors taking over.

Light beers will continue to grow

Light beers have steadily increased their market share since they became a staple beverage for casual drinkers. In 2022, we’ll see more low-carbohydrate and gluten-free options join the best-selling brews, with beer companies responding to consumer demand for healthier drinks. Drinking beer won’t just be about alcohol—it will be about taste and lifestyle as well.

New breweries will crop up everywhere

With brewing being one of, if not THE oldest profession on earth, it is not surprising that new breweries will crop up everywhere. Smaller operations (think brewpubs and nanobreweries) will continue to grow while larger mega-breweries will find themselves closing factories or consolidating down from their current dominant position.

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