5 Best Bean-to-Cup Coffee Machines 2020

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For all the coffee lovers out there, there is nothing like professional pressure siphoned cup of coffee in the morning made from freshly beans as you would prefer.

You can have all this at home without the issue of grinding, packing and making your own coffee with your very own bean to cup coffee machine.

Classic bean to cup machine has a burr grinder built-in, water boiler, high pressure hot steam pump, milk frothing arm (known as the Panarello, flexible coffee dispenser and trickle plate. A few machines even accompany dynamic cup hotter.

The best way to unleash your inner barista, a bean to cup machine is a little bit of your favorite coffee maker right in your kitchen.

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What is a bean-to-cup coffee machine?

Bean-to-cup machines are some of the most costly models on the market, with prices ranging from £350 up to £1,000. These machines have a purpose – to produce the freshest coffee possible. The fresher the coffee, the more full-flavoured the shot is. In seconds, a bean-to-cup machine grinds the coffee beans, extracts the flavour and makes an espresso.

They do have a tendency to look intimidating. They’re large and offer a lot of options, but they’re simple to use. One of the redeeming features of bean-to-cup machines is that they do almost everything for you (from grinding beans to making more complex coffees) at the touch of a button. On most models, there’s no need for tamping or transferring milk into mugs.

So, let us begin the journey of understanding the Coffee Machines

Top 5 Best Bean to Cup Coffee Machines

  1. De’Longhi ECAM22.110.SB


Price Range: £400 to £450

Capacity: 1.8 litres

Grinder: Yes

Milk Frother: Yes


  1. De’Longhi Magnifica ESAM 4200


Price Range: £300 to £340

Capacity: 1.8 litres

Grinder: Yes

Milk Frother: Yes

  1. Sage Barista Express


Price Range: £500 to £560

Capacity: 6 litres

Grinder: Yes

Milk Frother: Yes

  1. De’Longhi ESAM 6900


Price Range: £950 to £980

Capacity: 1.4 litres

Grinder: Yes

Milk Frother: Yes

  1. JURA Z6


Price Range: £2,800 to £3,000

Capacity: 2.4 litres

Grinder: Yes

Milk Frother: Yes

How to select your coffee machine

1. Bang for the buck

It is important that while purchasing any home appliance you get the most for what you pay. Also, all available products may not fall under your budget.

You should always decide in advance your requirements and then chose the appliance that is efficient as well as budget friendly. Here you may find two products with the same features but different price range. Pick the one that gives you most utility.

  • Single Cup Coffee MakerThis coffee maker can crank up a single cup at one go and is just perfect for a smaller family where people drink coffee at different times.
  • Multi Cup Coffee Maker –  This coffee maker can prepare about 3-4 cups of coffee at a time and is for those who like to have their coffee with friends and company.

2. Ease of Use

The coffee maker is anything but difficult to utilize doesn’t include any advanced science. You have to follow certain steps and the rest is done automatically. A few  machines come with a timer that lets you know when the coffee is prepared using an alarm all you to do is fill the machine up and wait for it to beep.

3. Category

Peoples are generally prefer milk in their coffee so latte, cappuccino are often the go-to choices, there is also a growing trend of dark coffee drinkers, so we see all this excitement about the espresso coffee and hence it is important to identify your preference while shopping.

You have a multiple options there are coffee makers that can do all kinds of coffee and there are some which specialize in one or the other form. Always make sure that you research well into your choice and preferences before making the purchase.

4. Safety

If an appliance needs the power to run, it is imminent that it has shock proofing mechanisms. Your safety should be of utmost priority. In case of overload, the circuit breaks and the appliance stops working. This factor should never be neglected as overload could lead to chances of shock.

5. Stress-free maintenance

Coffee maker jars are commonly detachable which make them easy to clean and maintain. Always factor the ease of use and cleaning while researching the product. As trouble while cleaning will keep you from using your appliance less often.


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